I must say, this most recent bouquet has had some serious staying power. It had been in my house for about three weeks before the final, most colorful flower of the whole group opened, and even though some of the other blooms were starting to pass, I wanted to get as many as I could in one massive sketch. This study took me about 2.5 hours to complete, about twice as long as each of the previous drawings:
I haven't attempted a large drypoint since I left Vermont in 2013, but I'm thinking it's time to get a hold of one of the larger presses in town and make a big impression (bad pun completely and utterly intended). What do you think?
I haven't attempted a large drypoint since I left Vermont in 2013, but I'm thinking it's time to get a hold of one of the larger presses in town and make a big impression (bad pun completely and utterly intended). What do you think?
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