More Easter Eggs

After experiencing the fun of making psanky eggs last month, I thought it'd be nice to make some more before the Easter holiday. Recent travels kept me away from the Museum during my nights off however, and before I knew it, it was March 31st. Rather trek down to the Museum classrooms, where the psanky supplies are kept, I decided to just paint up some eggs by hand. I already had a group of brown eggshells ready to use, having blown out the yolks the previous weekend, so I pulled out the iris templates I'd used for the psanky eggs and started drawing.

Each egg was covered with three irises. I drew in the basic outlines with a micronpen, and used cheap acrylic paints to add color, nothing fancy. I then went back with the mirconpen to clean up the outlines, and added details. I drew a different type of iris on the three eggs, and each iris was painted in a different color scheme of red, blue, and purple. To help protect the flowers, I coated each egg with a coat of Modge Podge, which dries clear.

Here's the first egg:

And the second:

And finally the third:

A lot of my art projects are little endeavors like these. I'd say in total I only worked on them for a couple of hours, and while the execution is a little sloppy in some places, they add a festive touch. As an added bonus, they paired well with the eggs I'd already made, particularly the black ones with the iris motifs. It's always fun to see how your interpretation of a subject changes depending on the medium you're using.

This is a short post today, so get out and enjoy the day!
